MATLAB: Get next or prior single precision value MATLAB function


Is there a MATLAB function for next or prior float32 number ?
(similar to nextafterf, nexttowardf or float_next, float_prior)
tried these functions:
function [out] = next_SP(val)
% Get next after SP value - float32, single precision
% Increment float with smalllest step, SP representable
% TODO check for sign changes, domain INF NAN subnormals changes,

% uint32 ovf realmax + 1, mantissa exp changes
% Check nextafterf from math.h
% The nextafter() functions return the next representable floating-point
% value following x in the direction of y. If y is less than x, these
% functions will return the largest representable number less than x.
% If x equals y, the functions return y.
% Returns the next representable value which is greater than x.
% If x is non-finite then returns the result of a domain_error.

% If there is no such value greater than x then returns an overflow_error.
int_v = typecast(single(val), 'uint32' );
%disp([ 'Init ' num2str(single(val)) ' 0x' num2hex(single(val)) ', ' dec2bin(int_v, 32) ]);

int_v = int_v + 1;
out = typecast(uint32(int_v), 'single' );
%disp([ 'Init ' num2str(out) ' 0x' num2hex(out) ', ' dec2bin(int_v, 32) ]);

function [out] = prior_SP(val)
% Get next before SP value - float32, single precision
% Decrement float with smalllest step, SP representable
% TODO check for sign changes, domain INF NAN subnormals changes,
% uint32 udf realmax + 1, mantissa exp changes
% Check nexttowardf from math.h
% Returns the next representable value which is less than x.
% If x is non-finite then returns the result of a domain_error.
% If there is no such value less than x then returns an overflow_error.
int_v = typecast(single(val), 'uint32' );
%disp([ 'Init ' num2str(single(val)) ' 0x' num2hex(single(val)) ', ' dec2bin(int_v, 32) ]);
int_v = int_v - 1;
out = typecast(uint32(int_v), 'single' );
%disp([ 'Init ' num2str(out) ' 0x' num2hex(out) ', ' dec2bin(int_v, 32) ]);
Init 0 0x80000000, 10000000000000000000000000000000
Init NaN 0x7fffffff, 01111111111111111111111111111111
Init 0 0x00000000, 00000000000000000000000000000000
Init 0 0x00000000, 00000000000000000000000000000000
Init -Inf 0xff800000, 11111111100000000000000000000000
Init -3.402823466385289e+38 0xff7fffff, 11111111011111111111111111111111
Init Inf 0x7f800000, 01111111100000000000000000000000
Init 3.402823466385289e+38 0x7f7fffff, 01111111011111111111111111111111
Init NaN 0xffc00000, 11111111110000000000000000000000
Init NaN 0xffbfffff, 11111111101111111111111111111111
(maybe similar for half or double precision)

Best Answer

The designers of IEEE floating point were brilliant. The next largest value (in magnitude) is always obtained by just adding 1 to the underlying integer bit pattern. When the integer value rolls over into the mantissa part, guess what ... that’s the correct result. When the value reaches realmax and you add 1 to the underlying integer, guess what ... you get the correct result of inf. Brilliant! The issues of 0 crossings and NaN have already been noted by Walter. You will have to decide for yourself what the various NaN bit patterns mean for your application.