MATLAB: Get new variable based on a condition


I have a double variable with 3 columns and 60000 rows, sorted by c2 and then by c1. For example:
c1 c2 c3
M=[2008 1 1
2009 1 2
2010 1 34
1996 12 7
1997 12 *11*
1998 12 *5*
1999 12 *5*
2000 12 4
1998 13 14
1999 13 1 ] %in this case I don't have the value for the two previous years
For each different c2, and if c1 is equal to 1999 I am trying to have a new variable P, with the year, with c2 and with the sum of the values in c3 from that year (1999 )and the two previous years/rows (1998 and 1997).
In this example my output would be:
P=[ 1999 12 21] %(5 + 5 + 11)

Best Answer

Try this and see if it's what you want:
M=[2008 1 1
2009 1 2
2010 1 34
1996 12 7
1997 12 11
1998 12 5
1999 12 5
2000 12 4
1998 13 14
1999 13 1 ]
uniqueC2 = unique(M(:,2))
P = [0,0,0];
counter = 1;
for k = 1 : length(uniqueC2)
% Find rows for this c2.
thisC2 = M(:,2) == uniqueC2(k);
% Find rows where c1 == 1999
validRows = M(:,1) == 1999;
% AND them
validRows = validRows & thisC2;
if any(validRows)
% This c2 has at least one year with 1999
% Find out what row it's in.
the1999Row = find(validRows);
% Sum this row only if there are at least two prior rows
% with the same value of C2.
if thisC2(the1999Row-1) && thisC2(the1999Row-2)
% Prior 2 rows also belongs to this c2.
theSum = M(the1999Row, 3) + M(the1999Row - 1, 3) + M(the1999Row - 2, 3);
P(counter, :) = [1999, uniqueC2(k), theSum];
counter = counter + 1;
% Print to command window:
It's easy to understand and fast. If you want something more compact, but probably harder to understand, someone will probably post a one-liner. But this gives exactly the output you asked for.