MATLAB: Get line of vector from struct array field


Let's have a structure:
my_struct(1).my_field = [11;12];
my_struct(2).my_field = [21;22];
I want to get vector of first values of the field 'my_field', that is:
temp = [my_struct.field];
result = temp(1,:);
Is there any more elegant way which does not use temporary variable and might be coded into one line? Something like:
result = [my_struct.field](1,:); % produces error

Best Answer

"Is there any more elegant way which does not use temporary variable and might be coded into one line?"


You could use arrayfun, but in my opinion this is much less elegant:

>> arrayfun(@(s)s.my_field(1),my_struct)
ans =
   11   21