MATLAB: Get index value of given input


I need the index value of a given input.
I have a .xlsx file with in column1 values like 0000150 and M040.
I open the xlsx file and want to find the indexnumber of the variable of 'num' .
Now I have tried the folowing but ofcourse, this doesnt work:
close all; clear all; clc;
% read folder and files
files = dir('C:\Users\dit\Documents\MATLAB\RawData');
dirFlags = [files.isdir];
subFolders = files(dirFlags);
data = readtable('data_gegevens.xlsx');
data2 = table2cell(data(:,1));
for j = 3:length(subFolders)
num = subFolders(j).name;
num2 = convertCharsToStrings(num);
Index = strfind(data2, num2)

Best Answer

Note: the comparison that is done will include any file extension that might show up for the subfolders. MS Windows typically hides the file extension for folder names, but there are cases where an extension can be present.
files = dir('C:\Users\dit\Documents\MATLAB\RawData');
dirFlags = [files.isdir];
subFolders = files(dirFlags);
subnames = {};
data = readtable('data_gegevens.xlsx');
col1 = data{:,1};
[found, Index] = ismember(subnames, col1);
if any(~found)
warning('%d subfolders not in list. Their Index will be 0', nnz(~found));