MATLAB: Get empty results from hinfsyn

empty resultsh∞ robust controlhinfsynMATLABRobust Control Toolbox

Hi all,
I have used the hinfsyn function several times before without any problem. But recently I am working on a new project that I decided to implement H∞ robust controller. For some reason, the code returns empty values of K, CL, GAM, and INFO according to the following syntax:
[K,CL,GAM,INFO] = hinfsyn(P,NMEAS,NCON,'GMIN',gamma_min);
where P is my system matrices based on hinfsyn help, NMEAS is the number of measured outputs, NCON is the number of control inputs, and gamma_min is my desired minimum gamma.
As said above, I do not know why it keeps giving me absolutely empty values without any errors or warnings!
Has anyone had similar problem before? What could potentially be wrong?
Thanks and I look forwarding to getting some help.

Best Answer

Actually, I accidentally solved the problem but still I do not know what was the reason. My matrix A is full rank, the system is both controllable and observable. I made a little tweak and problem was resolved. I gave very very small values to a few zero elements of matrix A and it worked.