MATLAB: Do I get DXL run-time error “null Item parameter was passed into argument position 1” when opening a linked IBM DOORS module

Simulink Requirements

I have set up the IBM DOORS interface with MATLAB/Simulink using "rmi setup". Now when I try to navigate from a certain Simulink block in my model to the linked module, I gets below errors:
DXL halted with run-time error
with DXL Output:
-R-E-DXK: <addins/dmi/> null Item parameter was passed into argument position 1
-I-DXL: execution halted

Best Answer

This error may happen when the previously linked DOORS module no longer exists, or when you try to navigate a link while connecting to the wrong DOORS Server.
Please do the following:
  • Select the block with a broken link
  • Run below command at the MATLAB Command Prompt:
>> reqs = rmi('get', gcb);
  • examine the values of reqs.doc - you should see the DOORS module ID and probably the module name in parenthesis
  • use the DOORS application to locate the module with matching ID or name - check if it exists