MATLAB: Get distance between adjacent array cells

MATLABmovement analysisvideo processing

Hello everyone,
I have a little problem calculating a velocity from a distance matrix. I do have the time array already.
My distance matrix looks as following:
dist=[x_coord1, y_coord1;
x_coord2, y_coord2;
The coordinates are absolute, and I need the relative distance between the current coordinates and the previous one.
So, my vector should look like this:
But instead pdist2 gives a vector with the distance of every possible combination of cells.
My questions(in my opinion at least):
1. Are there any functions which give me what I want immediately; or if this is not the case
2. Is there a way to decipher the pdist2 vector and get the correct values?
Thanks for reading this long post and helping 🙂
Kind regards, Dries van Roovert

Best Answer

For anyone interested in the answer:
You'll get the distance from coord 2 to 1, coord 3 to 2, ... and so on in a vector.