MATLAB: Get average elapsed time

loops avg elapsed time after 100 times' runing

Hi. I have probability p in the code, so everytime I run it, different ans and elapsed time are obtained. I want to run the code for 100 times and get the avg ans and elapsed time. Do you know how to get these?

Best Answer

clc; clear all;
N = 100 ; % number of time you run the code
elapsed_time = zeros(N,1) ; % initilaize the elapsed times
result = zeros(N,1) ; % initilaize the result for every run
for i = 1:N % loop for each run
t = tic ; % to get time evaluated
% do waht you want
K = rand(i) ;
thenorm = norm(K) ;
t = toc(t) ; % get time elapsed
result(i) = thenorm ; % store your result for final average
elapsed_time(i) = t ; % store the time elapsed for the run
% get avarages
result_avg = mean(result) ;
time_avg = mean(elapsed_time) ;
I have calculated the norm of a random matrix here, in place of that you call your probability code.