MATLAB: Do I get an error message saying ‘Invalid handle’


Why do I get the following error message :
Invalid Handle

Best Answer

You are using Handle Graphics commands to try to manipulate a handle to an object that no longer exists.
Common causes:
You have removed the Handle Graphics object from the figure or GUI before attempting to manipulate it using SET or GET . Another common cause is creating objects inside a for loop without turning HOLD on; this frequently occurs using the PLOT function.
Stop MATLAB on the line where the error occurs. Verify that the reference you are using is to an existing Handle Graphics object by backtracking in the code to the statement that created the Handle Graphics object. Also verify that the line, which was intended to create the object, did so by setting a breakpoint on it and executing the function again. The FINDALL, FINDOBJ, ALLCHILD, and ISHANDLE functions allow you to find the handles of objects and verify that the objects exist.
Example demonstrating this error: