MATLAB: Do I get an error 358 when attempting to activate MATLAB

I am trying to activate MATLAB, but this message is displayed:
ERROR: "Error 358: The license file expiration date has passed. In order to activate this license, the license file expiration date must be set to a future date."
and activation will not proceed.

Best Answer

This indicates that your license administrator has set the expiration date for your license, and that this date is now in the past. To resolve this, you will need to have the administrator of your license change the date of your license expiration to a point in the future.
This can also occur for an Annual License has expired. Annual licenses need to be renewed on an annual basis, so if the license is not renewed, it becomes unusable. You will need to contact your sales representative to renew your license. 
For more information, please see the related Article:
How can I set an expiration date for my license?