MATLAB: Do I get an assertion failed error when I try to set the input argument types in a project using MATLAB Coder 2.2 (R2012a)

matlab coder

I am trying to define data types for input arguments to my entry-point function using ‘Define by example’ or by using the ‘Autodefine types’ option. Either way I get an error message similar to:
Type conversion failed at <SNIP> Assertion failed.

Best Answer

The error is caused when the examples used to define the data type are not valid. A scalar [1x1] structure whose fields are not scalar is invalid. For example, the following [1x1] structure ‘testStruct’ cannot be used to define arguments for code generation as the field ‘fieldB’ is not scalar.
testStruct =
fieldA: 0
fieldB: [21x1 struct]
The workaround is to instead use an array of structures.