MATLAB: Get a user to input corordinates to form a matrix.

csvinputMATLABmatrixmatrix manipulation

Hi I have the matrix;
points = [2 5; 6 9; 7 8; 9 10; 6 10]
I want to make it that the user inputs the points and a subsequent matrix is created. I think if I make a 2 x n matrix of zeros and get the user to input how many coordinates there is. But then I am stuck on how to ask the user to enter the coordinates. Could I use matrix manipulation with the input function to ask for the x and y values etc?
NOTE: These points are x and y coordinates i.e. 2 5 the x coordinate is 2 and the y coordinate is 5. I was also thinking maybe I could load a csv file and have the user specify the points in a table. I would prefer the aforementioned method if possible.

Best Answer

You can try this
x=input('enter x coordinates between square bracket, like [1 2 3] ')
y=input('enter y coordinates between square bracket, like [1 2 3] ')
You can also use inpudlg
n=10; % number of lines
a= inputdlg('enter x coordinates','test',n)
b= inputdlg('enter y coordinates','test',n)