MATLAB: Do I get a “Could not find appropriate function” when starting the GUIDE created GUI in MATLAB 7.7 (R2008b)


I have a GUI that I have created with GUIDE and I have modified the program file as well. When I run the GUI I get the message:
Warning: Could not find appropriate function on path loading function handle [path to file]>@(hObject,eventdata)[name of file]('axes_CreateFcn',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))

Best Answer

This warning message indicates that the data embedded in the FIG-file about where a certain callback is stored is outdated for some reason. This could possibly occurr if you rename the .M file and .FIG file instead of using "Save As" from within GUIDE.
To resolve the issue, open the GUI in GUIDE. Double click on the component which is mentioned in the warning message (in the example it would be 'axes') to open the Property Inspector. In the Property Inspector find the callback which is causing the warning (in this case 'CreateFcn'. Click on this property entry to edit it. There should be a dialog box displayed that says that the callback was manually modified. It will ask if you would like to generate a new callback; select "Yes". This will relink the callback location in the FIG-file.
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