MATLAB: Genetic algorithm – fitness function – algorithm not converging

genetic algorithmMATLABOptimization Toolbox

I want to apply genetic algorithm for a 150 variable linear programming problem.
I wrote the fitness function 'fit1.m' as follows.
The Cost coefficients of the objective function are saved in DPDPSCM.mat file.
function [ obj ] = fit1( C,X )
load DPDPSCM.mat
X = randi([1,10],1,150)
y = C.*X;
obj = sum(y);
The genetic algorithm is not converging.
where did i made the mistake.

Best Answer

datastruct = load('DPDPSCM.mat');
C = datastruct.C;
fun = @(x) sum(C.*x);
bestx = ga(fun, 150);
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