MATLAB: Generating time vector and sinusoids

MATLABsinusoidstime vector

I have an assignment to plot 2 sinusoids and i got stuck. My task is: Generate a time vector (tt) to cover a range of t that will exhibit approximately two cycles of the 4000 Hz sinusoids defined in the next part. If we use T to denote the period of the sinusoids, define the starting time of the vector tt to be equal to −T, and the ending time as +T. Then the two cycles will include t = 0. Finally, make sure that you have at least 25 samples per period of the sinusoidal wave. In other words, when you use the colon operator to define the time vector, make the increment small enough to generate 25 samples per period. Afterwards Generate two 4000 Hz sinusoids with arbitrary amplitude and time-shift. x1(t) = A1 cos(2π(4000)(t − tm1)) and x2(t) = A2 cos(2π(4000)(t − tm2))
A1 being 18, A2 being 1.2A1. tm1 being (37.2/11)T and tm2 being -(-41.3/27)T where T is period and t is time vector
My code is:
if true
% code
f = 4000; % sinusoid freq
T = 1/f; % period
fs = T/25; % time step
tt = -T:fs:T; % time vector
plot(tt,X1),grid on
title('Sinusoid #1')
hold on
plot(tt,X2),grid on
When i run this script i do not get any sinusoids, just straight lines on the graph. What am i doing wrong? Thanks for your time

Best Answer

instead of
Same for X2.
Best wishes
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