MATLAB: Generating random streams marginally different

pseudo-random numbersquasi random numbersrandom numbers

Is there anyway in Matlab to generate streams of random normal numbers that are marginally different? By that I mean if the first stream would look like:
[-0.9625 0.8736 0.8499 1.6579 0.6706 -2.3623 -0.7797 -0.5591 0.8103 2.9868]
then the next stream would be similar to the first stream, maybe something like:
[-0.6321 0.9430 0.7002 1.3456 0.2832 -2.0011 -1.0188 -0.5932 1.1120 2.8932]
and so on with the next streams (each stream be similar to the other ones already generated).
Is there already any tools in Matlab doing this?
Thank you,

Best Answer

A statistician might say you wanted to generate a pair of correlated random variables. mvnrnd would help here.
Lacking that, you could just do this...
A = randn(1,10);
B = A + randn(size(A))/10;
Note that this is equivalent to a specific covariance matrix, so a similar stream could be gained from mvnrnd.