MATLAB: Generating position and velocities at different points on an ellipse

ellipseelliptical pathposition;vectorvelocity

Is it possible to generate position and velocity vectors at different points on an ellipse? I have the red dot with a position vector of [28; 22] and velocity vector of [0; 2].
I know if a and b are given, we can get position vector at each point using x = a*cos(theta) and y =b*sin(theta) for theta values ranging from 0 to 2*pi radians. Is there a way to find the velocity vectors at those respective positions?

Best Answer

For the elliptical equivalent to uniform circular motion, I suppose you could have three choices.
1) Pick uniform angular motion, in which case the speed and the area swept out along the arc will vary with time.
2) Pick uniform speed along the arc, in which case the angular rate and area swept out will vary with time.
3) Pick uniform area swept out by the arc, in which case the angular rate and the speed will vary with time. Incidentally, this last one matches planetary and satellite motion (assuming area is measured from attracting body and not from the center of the ellipse).
4) Maybe others ...?
But there is no "generic" translation from uniform circular motion to uniform elliptical motion.