MATLAB: Generating Code from RTW and compiling using MSVC++ 2008 express edition

msvc++ 2008 express editionrtw generated codesdk v6.1

I'm using Matlab 2010a (32bit) & MSVC++ 2008 express edition with SDk v6.1. I am able to build dll's using RTW for 32bit applications without any trouble.
However I cannot do the same for 64bit applications (obviously as Matlab 2010a is 32bit version).
Therefore I wonder if I can use the RTW generated code and take it into MSVC++ 2008 environment and compile the code targeting 64bit platform.
If possible, can someone kindly direct me to an example which does/explains the above step by step (as ive never ever used MSVC++ 2008 express edition GUI environment)?
PS: I've installed x64 components of the compiler.

Best Answer

I don't know if this has been tried before, so I can't provide a link to an existing example. However, it should definitely be possible. I think the easiest way is to select the System target file (in the Configuration Parameters window's Code Generation pane) that corresponds to "Create Visual C/C++ solution file" - this should create a Visual Studio project (solution file) that you can directly load into Visual Studio - hopefully the only changes you will need to make are the ones related to the x64 target.