MATLAB: Generating C/C++ Code from M-Function include MEX-File

ccodercompilerEmbedded CoderMATLABmatlab coderMATLAB Compilermex

Hi. Is it possible to generating C/C++ Code and Standalone-Application from a M-Function include MEX-File?
I try it like this.
function result = callfunction %#codegen
result = uint32(0);
result = Addi_mex(2,3); %call a mex-file
The MEX-Function is written in C++
#include "mex.h"
#include "mexhelper.h"
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
ULONG sum=0, value1=0,value2=0;
// check Inputs
// Convert input data to unsigned integer via Matlab-function
sum = value1+value2;
plhs[0] = mmCreateMxArray(sum);
And Build to "Addi_mex.mexw32" with "mex -g -D_WIN32_WINNT -I …" (MVS2010)
In the Workspace it works fine, but if I try to generate code or Standalone-Application from the function "callfunction.m" I get an error:
>> coder -build coder.prj
??? Only MATLAB files are supported for code generation. Unsupported file extension 'mexw32' for 'C:/.../coder_add/Add_mex.mexw32'.
I use the Matlab Coder. Is it maybe possible with the Matlab Compiler? And is it also possible to use in the MEX-File some other lib`s or dll`s? (in workspace seems to do)
I hope someone can help me.

Best Answer

to the top of your MATLAB function, and I think it will work in MATLAB. Basically, the compiler is expecting to be given MATLAB code to compile, but when it goes to try to compile Addi_mex, it finds the binary mex file, which it can't handle. If you declare it extrinsic, the compiler never tries to compile Addi_mex, just sets up a call to it.
However, for standalone code generation, ALL inputs must be in MATLAB or C. The compiler cannot deconstruct a mex file and emit C code. For this you wouldn't use your MEX file, rather you'd write a C library that is used both by your MEX file and your coder project. Then from your MATLAB function you would call into this library using coder.ceval.
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