MATLAB: Generating all possible spanning trees in matlab

spanning tree

Hello every1,
I am completely new to MATLAB and require some help regarding my research work. I need to work with graphs in MATLAB and my question is that how can we generate spanning trees of a graph in MATLAB. A graph can be entered through an adjacency matrix into MATLAB but how can that matrix be expanded to generate all the possible spanning trees of that particular graph. Can any1 help me solve this issue….??????
Thanks, Sim

Best Answer

Okie guys i have got it how to display an undirected connected graph with N vertices and E edges using an adjacency matrix, But now how can i generate all its possible spanning trees???? The formula for getting total number of spanning trees of a graph is:
Cayley's formula : N^N-2 Where N is the Total vertices
if N= 4 then
N^N-2= 4^4-2= 16 SPANNING TREES
My question is "how can i create all these 16 spanning trees of a graph in matlab?????
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee help :(
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