MATLAB: Generating a list of Simulink model’s IOs

report generatorsimulink

I have a very large Simulink model with a lot of inputs and outputs. Is there a way to generate a list of all these input and output names? Right now I generate C-code and copy the data structures that are created and import that into an excel spreadsheet. I'd like to be able to run a function of some sort that automatically creates this list.
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

% Finding the Inputs
Inports_path = find_system('DummyModel','BlockType','Inport');
Inputs = get_param(Inports_path,'Name');
% Finding the Outports
Outports_path = find_system('DummyModel','BlockType','Outport');
Outputs = get_param(Outports_path,'Name');
% Writing into Excel sheet.
xlswrite('Inports_outports.xlsx',[{'Inputs'} {'Outputs'}],1,'A1');
Run the above script and you get a list of inputs in inputs and outputs in outputs.