MATLAB: Generated script from Signal Analyser app – How to plot spectrogram

generate scriptMATLABplot spectrogramsignal analysersignal analyser appspectrogram

I managed to import signal and set settings in Signal Analyser app. I generated script and want to add it to the rest of the code.
Below is the generated script:
% Compute spectrogram
% Generated by MATLAB(R) 9.8 and Signal Processing Toolbox 8.4.
% Generated on: 21-Jan-2021 22:40:31
% Parameters
timeLimits = [0 1.470999]; % seconds

frequencyLimits = [0 120000]; % Hz

timeResolution = 1; % seconds
overlapPercent = 50;
% Index into signal time region of interest
konst_svetlobni_tok_ROI = konst_svetlobni_tok(:);
sampleRate = 1000000; % Hz
startTime = 0; % seconds
timeValues = startTime + (0:length(konst_svetlobni_tok_ROI)-1).'/sampleRate;
minIdx = timeValues >= timeLimits(1);
maxIdx = timeValues <= timeLimits(2);
konst_svetlobni_tok_ROI = konst_svetlobni_tok_ROI(minIdx&maxIdx);
timeValues = timeValues(minIdx&maxIdx);
% Compute spectral estimate
% Run the function call below without output arguments to plot the results
[P,F,T] = pspectrum(konst_svetlobni_tok_ROI,timeValues, ...
'spectrogram', ...
'FrequencyLimits',frequencyLimits, ...
'TimeResolution',timeResolution, ...
If I am right, this script does not include command to plot spectrogram.
How can I plot it? What do I have to add to script?
Best regards!

Best Answer

Look at the comment just above the call to pspectrum. With output arguments assigned, it does not create a spectrogram. However, if you remove the output arguments, it will create the indicated plot (spectrogram here).
pspectrum(konst_svetlobni_tok_ROI,timeValues, ...
'spectrogram', ...
'FrequencyLimits',frequencyLimits, ...
'TimeResolution',timeResolution, ...
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