MATLAB: Generate HDl code by hdl coder

simulink hdlcoder

How Can I implement the below given matlab code in simulink hdl coder. any Idea please?
Here is my sample code:-
[FileName,PathName,FilterIndex] = uigetfile('*.xls');
File = strcat(PathName,FileName);
[status,sheets,format] = xlsfinfo(File);
testvectordata = xlsread(File,sheets{1,1});
for i = 1:16
weight(1,i) = 0.9999;
weight(2,i) = 0.9999;
weight(3,i) = 0.9999;
weight(4,i) = 0.9999;
for n=1:size(testvectordata,1)-1
input(n,1) = testvectordata(n,1);
input(n,2) = testvectordata(n,2);
Input_a = input(:,1);
Input_b = input(:,2);
Input_a = Input_a';
Input_a_c = 1 - Input_a;
Input_b = Input_b';
Input_b_c = 1 - Input_b;
for i = 1:size(Input_a') % Number of samples
%%input sample to the BLOCK
in_data = [Input_a(1,i);Input_a_c(1,i);Input_b(1,i);Input_b_c(1,i)];
for j = 1:16 % 16 parallel nodes and each node has 4 weights
match(:,j) = min(in_data,weight(:,j));
MatchVector_Sum = sum(match(:,j));
Weight_Sum = sum(weight(:,j));
if ((MatchVector_Sum/2) >= vigilance )
Test(j) = MatchVector_Sum/(0.1 + Weight_Sum);
Test(j) = 0;
[TJ,Index] = max(Test);
id = Index(1);
weight(:,id) = match(:,id); % Update weight
Category = [Category;id];

Best Answer

uigetfile() and xlsread() would be difficult to translate into HDL.
Have you checked the Embedded Matlab documentation as to what is permitted in functions to be translated into HDL ?
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