MATLAB: Generate GA Plot after the algorithm has finnished

gagenetic algorithmoptimizationplotplottingpost optimization

Hey Guys,
i have a very complex function to optimize with GA, its already need about 5 hours without a plot activated, so i want to generate a plot with the results after the algorithm is finished. So far, i always saved the command window information with "diary", so the savings kinda looks like this and repeat :
x: 30.80606 105.0739 5 0.8621733 0.3187652 0.1 0.1 0.3426245 3.578397 obj: 3.2365
x: 96.6515 60.2254 91.6727 5.78384 5.89348 5.14982 6.43606 2.48569 4.53104 obj: 1.78
x: 79.81447 78.14723 129.7414 1.610127 8.481399 6.818627 6.844434 4.471865 3.497146 obj: 2.0136
x: 73.6651 98.8845 83.1789 1.94892 0.758555 3.55138 8.41613 3.0194 8.43609 obj: 3.0492
x: 64.6236 65.0341 94.9168 3.92559 1.34072 0.766707 0.114988 3.19566 7.77677 obj: 3.0613
x: 136.7348 21.8462 117.6277 7.317458 9.027388 0.8396103 2.702008 0.551372 7.5124 obj: 1.8702
x: 131.5978 44.16512 132.7881 2.824445 9.458292 5.58881 3.89878 8.731667 7.22164 obj: 2.3449
x: 33.4331 144.1815 21.22591 9.646141 7.317277 6.503243 1.924164 1.892613 1.564883 obj: 1.1898
x: 78.5224 79.2316 97.9015 1.87417 0.963924 0.498753 8.43496 8.31711 0.845001 obj: 3.0582
Warning: Reference to non-existent field 'xx'.
> In Simulink/SimulationOutput/get
In Simulink/SimulationOutput/subsref
In Simulink/SimulationOutput/numArgumentsFromSubscript
so far my main code looks like this :
options = optimoptions('ga','Display','iter','OutputFcn', @myoutputFunc,'UseParallel', true,'ConstraintTolerance',1e-5,'PopulationSize',1000,'TimeLimit',60*60*60);
[xopt,fval,exitflag,output,population,scores] = ga(@objective,9,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,@constraint,options);
Is it possible to generate a plot out of these information or do i need to change something ?
Thank you

Best Answer

I am not certain what you want to do.
If you want to save the interim results to plot later (or to save them in the event that MATLAB crashes for some reason), see: How to save data from Genetic Algorithm in case MATLAB crashes? It offers a way to save the ‘fittest’ individual to a .mat file at each iteration.