MATLAB: Generate DLL from Simulink model

dllEmbedded Codermatlab coderreal time workshopsimulinksimulink coder

Hallo everybody,
I am about to start working on an interface between Simulink modules and GH BLADED, software tailored to simulate the dynamic behavior of wind turbines. Within Simulink, I plan to develop some control strategies. This control model should be then ported as DLL to BLADED and actually command the reaction of the turbine to external inputs.
I'd appreciate knowing if any of you may address me to the easier procedure to generate DLL out of a Simulink model. At the time of writing, I do not have a clear idea about the best way to go.
Perhaps, it would be an option to generate a .tlc file, suited only for BLADED, exactly as it happens with LabView (but LabView already supports such a tlc file, BLADED so far does not).
I really thank you in advance for considering my request.
Kindest regards, FPe

Best Answer

You can use ert_shrlib.tlc if you have the Embedded Coder product to generate generic DLLs from your Simulink model. The relevant documentation is here: Shared Object Libraries.
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