MATLAB: Generate and Increment var names containing numbers and strings

variable names with strings and numbers.

I'd like to generate a list of variable names where the output looks as follows:
# TB1W082A
# TB1W083A
# TB1W084A
# TB1W08AA
# TB1W08BA
# TB1W08CA
# TB1W092A
# TB1W093A
# TB1W094A
# TB1W09AA
# TB1W09BA
# TB1W09CA
Here is the code I'm using:
% alph=('A':'C');
% for n1 = 8:9
for n2 = 1:3
for a = 1:3
num{n2} = ['TB1W' num2str(n1) num2str(n2+1) 'A'];
str{a} = ['TB1W' num2str(n1) alph(a) 'A'];
clear a alpha n1 n2
I tried creating two variables; num and str. One was meant for the numeric portion and the other for the alphabetic portion. However, this is the output I get:
num =
  1. TB1W092A
  2. TB1W093A
  3. TB1W094A
str =
  1. TB1W09AA
  2. TB1W09BA
  3. TB1W09CA
Any suggestions?

Best Answer

See dpb's comment on why creating variable names like this is a bad idea, but... assuming you have a valid reason for creating strings in such a pattern:
Firstly, how general does this need to be? The twelve strings in your example are easily done with
x = {'2';'3';'4';'A';'B';'C'};
names = [strcat('TB1W08',x);strcat('TB1W09',x)]
Slightly more generally:
pre = 'TB1W';
names = {};
for k = 7:12
names = [names;strcat([pre,num2str(k,'%02d')],x)];