MATLAB: Generate a variable sine wave during simulink simulation

simulinksine wavevariablevariables

I want to generate a sine which amplitude and delay is changing during a simulation.
From this formula:
out = M * sin(2*pi*50*t + (pi*phi/180)))
I want to change M and phi.
I've tried to generate it using blocks but I am stucked in the sine part. I've tried using a gain but it gives me an error.
The perfect solution for me will be to use the sine wave block and change the variables on the block through an external variable.
Many thanks.

Best Answer

The Sine Wave block from the Simulink>Sources library does not accept any inputs, so you cannot use this block to change 'M' and 'phi' as you intend. Instead, you should use the MATLAB Function block to implement the same equation while accepting 'M' and 'phi' as inputs to the block.