MATLAB: Generate a single string from a matrix (or cell)


Hi. I have a vector A that is [1:5]' and also I have a string 'Hi'. (I just use a of length of 5 for simplicity, but can be large) (1) how can I generate a matrix B in such a way
Hi 1
Hi 2
Hi 3
Hi 4
Hi 5
(2) How can I convert matrix B to a 'single' string C as it is (i.e. after each Hi there is a space and after each number there is an enter (mew line character). In other words string C is
Hi 1
Hi 2
Hi 3
Hi 4
Hi 5
Note that Bi is a matrix or cell array, but C is only a string.

Best Answer

With R2017a or later,
strjoin( "Hi " + (1:5).', newline )
For R2016b you can use
strjoin( string('Hi ') + (1:5).', newline )