MATLAB: Gca when using subplots


I have created a barchart on a figure and wanting to change the number of bins by adding a popupmenu to the figure. I assign the callback to this a function called setBins.
% Create pop-up menu on figure
popup = uicontrol('Style', 'popup',...
'String', {'5','10','20','50','100','200','500','1000','2000'},...
'Position', [10 0 80 30],...
'Callback', @setBins);
function setBins(source,event)
fig = gcf;
ax = fig.CurrentAxes;
val = source.Value
indx = source.String
data=getappdata(0,'data'); %Data has already been saved using setappdata
[counts,xb]=hist(data(:,3),nbins); %IMHIST ONLY HANDLES 8 & 16 BIT IMAGES, NOT 12BIT
bar(log10(xb),counts,'b','EdgeColor','b'); %Replot with user defined number of bins
grid on;
hold on
xlim([min(log10(xb)) max(log10(xb))])
hold off
My question is, this works fine with one plot on the figure. If however, this figure has two subplots and this is subplot(1,2,1), how would I get the above code just to apply to this subplot?
Thanks Jason

Best Answer

The subplot call includes a return argument which is the axes handle for that subplot. I would advise to always use this form and keep the axes handles in an array so that you can then do what you wish to them in future either all together or individually from the array.
Relying on gca or equivalent methods as to what happens to currently be in focus is always liable to lead to some seemingly strange bugs (strange at least until you become familiar with the cause and its effect)