MATLAB: Gaussian High Pass Filter

gaussian high pass filter

Hello, I try to apply Gaussian High Pass Filter function
a=imread('img'); figure(1) imshow(a) [m n]=size(a); f_transform=fft2(a); f_shift=fftshift(f_transform); p=m/2; q=n/2; d0=70; for i=1:m for j=1:n distance=sqrt((i-p)^2+(j-q)^2); low_filter(i,j)=exp(-(distance)^2/(2*(d0^2))); end end filter_apply=f_shift.*low_filter; image_orignal=ifftshift(filter_apply); image_filter_apply=abs(ifft2(image_orignal)); figure(2) imshow(image_filter_apply,[])
but I got this error
??? Error using ==> times Matrix dimensions must agree.
can someone help me

Best Answer

hi lina,
I tried your program and it works fine, replace the first command with :
I think the error you get is due to the nature of the sample you use, maybe its RGB image, if so you need to change it to grayscale image or process each channel individually, try this as first attempt :
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