MATLAB: Garbled output on linux


Whenever the command window is full, the text begins to get garbled and you cannot read anything. This also happens when viewing the contents of a variable in the Workspace. The graphics and text gets all distorted and garbled. At the command window, when you type clc, it clears and you can read it again.
I am using openSUSE 42.2 which should be the same as Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop 12, SP2. Kernel version 4.4.46.
I've tried it with MATLAB R2015b and R2016b. PC Specs: Intel Xeon E3-1245 v5, 64 GB RAM, integrated graphics.

Best Answer

This same issue occurs on some instalations in Arch Linux. One possible solution, as you can see in Arch Linux Wiki is to open the terminal and set the following environment variables:
export J2D_D3D=false
export MATLAB_JAVA=/usr/lib/jvm/java-XXX-openjdk/jre
where XXX refers to your installed version of OpenJDK.
Note that you'll need to add the above code to your bashrc file in order to avoid losing the settings of the variables after reboot.