MATLAB: Fuzzy Logic Controller block in Simulink always gives zero, and works Ok in Matlab script

fuzzy logic controllerMATLABsimulink

I am facing a problem with Fuzzy Logic Controller block in Simulink. I tested my fuzzy file before and it worked without any problem, but now i am trying to run simulink file again but the Output from Fuzzy Logic Controller is always Zero. My simulink project is so simple, it is a Constant block as an input, fuzzy block and scope for output.
Thank you

Best Answer

Hello again. After some attempts i found the error. My mistake was the way i am entering (fis) file. When we enters the name of our fis file we should provide the name of the fis file as follows: 'fuzzy.fis' this is the correct way, i was entring it as ['fuzzy.fis'] between two square brackets and that was my mistake, but Simulink didn't gave any error!!
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