MATLAB: Functions ‘hist(x)’ or ‘histogram(x)’

function hist histogram

I had been working with histogram plots, I use the function 'hist(x)', but when I look for help the matlab support recommends that I use the function 'histogram(x)'. I tried to download the function 'histogram(x)', but I did not find a link for it. I use the version of matlab R2011b.
Does anyone know the difference between these functions? Thanks

Best Answer

Which help did you look in? You should always use the help for the version you have, easiest to access via e.g.
doc hist
If your version does not have the histogram function then the difference doesn't matter. It isn't a function to download by itself, it is just part of newer Matlab versions since R2014b so unless you upgrade to that version or later just ignore it.
histogram includes various improvements over hist and is the new recommended function. This page gives some details of the changes between the functions.
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