MATLAB: Function_Handle error using fsolve

fsolvefunction handle

Hello, I am running R2016a (with Optimization Toolbox) and I encounter problems using 'fsolve' to solve a rather simple system. Here are two images that show the command and the prompted errors. Any idea what is wrong with my code?
Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

Are you sure that you have the Optimization toolbox installed and licensed?
Please search:
which fsolve -all
and post the result. Does the ver command confirm, that the Optimization toolbox is running?
[EDITED] Matlab's license mechanism reacts too sensitve to names of user-defined functions, when they equal the name of a toolbox function. Then Matlab decides (under not documented circumstances) to disable a license. I'm using to avoid such collisions, but actually a set of all names of M-files in a full Matlab installation would be required.
To check this, 1. be sure not to write any files to Matlab's toolbox folders, 2. remove all user-defined folders from the path and then run fsolve again. 3. re-inster the user-folders until the error occurs again. Now check the names of the M-files in the last added folder. Or perhaps the posted tool helps already.