MATLAB: Function uses another function in a script

functions in if statement

Hi guys,
Could someone highlight me? I am trying to write a script it uses more than one function. The second function uses the first one.
if c=c=dc
statement 1 %%this one I store as a function file in the same directory.
statement 2 %%this statement uses statement 1. Both statements are in for loop. If I use another function file for this, how can I unify them into this script?
if c=k
statement 1
statement 2
The question is how can I call and unify these two functions since the second function uses the first one..
Any help Appreciated

Best Answer

In file function1.m
whatever has to be done
In file function2.m
function1 %calls upon function1
Then just make sure both files are in directories on your MATLAB path.