MATLAB: Function to find points in pointcloud

find function

Hi all
My issue is that i have a big pointbloud in XYZ coord. Ive got 2 XYZ points, where i need to find all the points in the cloud, which is between this two given points. Does anyone know which kind of funktion i need to use for this? i have tried the find-function, but couldent get it to work.
thanks in advance.

Best Answer

So you have a scattering of points in 3D space, specified by an N by 3 array of [x,y,z] coordinates, right? Now, exactly what does it mean if a point is "between" two arbitrary points somewhere in 3D space? Do you want to connect those two points with a vector, then consider two planes (one at each point) that is normal to the vector, and then any points that are between the two planes are "in between" the points? Or do you have another definition?
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