MATLAB: Function to create a sound –> (Error: Too many Input Arguments?)

errorfunctionsine wavesoundtoo many inputs

So, I am required to creat a function that displays a simple tone, based on a numerical value corresponding to a key number, a duration, and an amplitude.
After messing around a bit, I came up with this. This does in fact display a sound, but I do not know if it is correct.
function x = note(keynum, dur, A)
fs = 44100; % sampling frequency

t = 0:1/fs:dur;
x = A*sin(2*pi*freq*t);
While I think this could be correct, I am confused as to the purpose of an "(sine wave?)" equation we are required to use.
That equation is apparently:
%x(t) = (A)sin(2 pi f t) + (A/3)sin(2 pi(3f)t) + (A/5)sin(2 pi(5 f)t) + (A/7)sin(2 pi(7f)t)
I assume this is some sort of way of creating a more pure and accurate sound, but am not sure.
I tried replacing this equation with the line %x = A*sin(2*pi*freq*t); in my first function( at Line marked with (%%%), resulting in a new function:
function x = note(keynum, dur, A)
fs = 44100; % sampling frequency
t = 0:1/fs:dur;
x(t) = (A*sin(2*pi*(freq)*t)) + ((A/3)*sin(2*pi*(3*freq)*t)) + ((A/5)*sin(2*pi(5*freq)*t)) + ((A/7)*sin(2*pi*(7*freq)*t)); %%%
So, I figured I had this all figured out, but when I call the function with, for example a Middle C tone, duration of 1, and an amplitude of 2, %x=note(40,1,2), I get an error:
??? Error using ==> pi
Too many input arguments.
Error in ==> note at 5 (Line 5 is marked with %%%)
The first function gave a response, but the new one doesn't.
So, I have no idea if I did EVERYTHING wrong in regards to my function and the usage of the (sine wave?) equation is wrong, or its a simple mistake I am not catching.
Any help or pushes in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. I can try to provide more details if needed. Thanks in advance.

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You coded
when you meant
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