MATLAB: Function returning matrix instead of vector

functionleast squares curve fitting

I have made a function for use in least squares curve fitting of the form:
xf should have 4 parameters
When I test the function with
with x0f = [1.0000, 462.7580, 1.8007, 0], and xdata a 15×1 column vector I get a 15×15 matrix as output, when I expect a 15×1 column vector. I believe the issue is that the f function has xdata squared (.^2) both in the numerator and denominator, but I don't know how to circumvent this as there is no way to isolate xdata. Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

Read about element by element operations.
Repalce * with .*, / with ./
f=@(xf,xdata)xf(1)*(xf(4)+((xf(2)-xdata)./(xf(3)/2))).^2./(1+((xf(2)-xdata)./(xf(3)/2)).^2) ;
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