MATLAB: Function output problem


I made a very simple function (below) for an assignment, and I get two outputs: y and ans. MATLAB only stores the value of ans. I would like to, if possible, suppress the ans output and store the value of the variable y for future use. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
% fn to eval. y for the eq. y = c<x - a>^n
function y = fn_eval(c,a,n,x)
y = c*(x - a)^n;

Best Answer

You can suppress the ‘ans’ output by calling your function as:
y = fn_eval(c,a,n,x)
That will assign the result to ‘y’. You can suppress the independent ‘y’ output by changing your function to:
function y = fn_eval(c,a,n,x)
y = c*(x - a)^n;