MATLAB: Function issues when user input is required for if statement

functionif statementinputuser input

Hi all,
I am trying to write a function meant to address a table, where the user would specify whether they want to aggregate data by day/month/year and the output would be a summary table of that information. Right now I have:
function y = preciptotal(x)
Prompt = 'Are you totaling by Day, Month, or Year?';
UI = input(Prompt, 's');
if UI == 'Day';
y =varfun(@sum,x,'InputVariables','Rain_mm','GroupingVariables',{'Month' 'Day' 'Year'});
elseif UI == 'Month';
y =varfun(@sum,x,'InputVariables','Rain_mm','GroupingVariables',{'Month' 'Year'});
elseif UI == 'Year';
y =varfun(@sum,x,'InputVariables','Rain_mm','GroupingVariables',{'Year'});
The function runs fine when the UI is Day, but gets caught up when Month or Year are used. Any ideas why this may be?

Best Answer

strcmp() not "=="