MATLAB: Function I do not really understand, could somebody give me a hint

function input parameter

I have received a function which consists of several furnctions, but I have some problems to see what is going on here. In input parameters are given in line two: x0 = [1.1768 0.082259 0.83746 -0.54589]; %parameters: psi m xi rho
That's clear so mean that I can change them in order to get the function running. But I am not sure what is happending with those parameters. In the last function, the following is happening

Best Answer

u is just the variable for integration, so I could define a function
function y = myfun(x)
y = x.^2;
and then integrate that function like:
quadl(@(u) myfun(u),0,2)
That is just the integral of x^2 from 0 to 2. So in LaTex
\int_{0}^{2} x^2 dx or \int_{0}^{2} u^2 du or whatever you variable you like.
Thank you for accepting my answer if I have helped you.