MATLAB: “Function” & “fprintf” Help Please (thanks in advance for everyone’s time)


This code works as it is, however the problem statement wanted me to write a function (not a simple script file) and to use the fprintf command to output the values.
My question is, why does this function work even if I commment out the entire function?
Also, how in the world do I implement the command "fprinf"?
Any help would be much appreciated!
% Measures velocity of derby car
% Problem Statement: This function analyzes the data of a pine wood derby car
timeinterval=input('Enter Time Intervals as a row vector in seconds[a b c]: ');
velocitydata =input('Enter Velocity Data as a two dimensional array (matrix) in inches per second [a b c; d e f]: ');
avgv = mean(velocitydata);
maxavgv= max(avgv);
minavgv= min(avgv) ;
grid on
title('Average Velocity as Function of Time');
xlabel('Averae Velocity [in/sec]');
ylabel('Time Intervals [sec]');

Best Answer

It works because whatever you pass in is ignored - it asks you anyway. So the function statement can be ignored and it's basically a script.
For fprintf:
fprintf('totalavgv = %f\n', totalavgv);
Same for the other variables.