MATLAB: Function Error: Already declared

function error

My function was working fine until I typed in clear all. Now it does not work.
I get this error message: Function 'get_portfolio_return' has already been declared within this scope.
This is my function code:
function [E_Rp, sigma_Rp] = get_portfolio_return( weight,exp_rets, vols,corr)
E_Rp= weight.* exp_rets(1,1)+ (1-weight).*exp_rets(1,2);
sigma_Rp= sqrt((weight.^2.*vols(1).^2) + ((1-weight).^2.*vols(2).^2)+(2.*corr.*(weight)).*(1-weight).*vols(1).*vols(2));
% The stated function defines the necessary variables for subsequent
% calculations. Expected Return is calculated as a function of weight and
% expected returns. Weight is the weight of Asset1 and exp_rets are the
% expected returns of asset 1 and asset 2.
What caused this problem/ how do I fix it?

Best Answer

Okay, so the problem was the function name was different from what I assigned it. I did not realize the name I saved it as has to match the part after function []=