MATLAB: Function D = pdist2( X, Y, metric ) ↑ Error: Function definition not supported in this context. Create functions in code file.

unrecognized fuction or variable x

function D = pdist2( mX,mY, metric )
if( nargin<3 || isempty(metric) ); metric=0; end;
switch metric
case {0,'sqeuclidean'}
D = distEucSq( X, Y );
case 'euclidean'
D = sqrt(distEucSq( mX, mY ));
case 'L1'
D = distL1( mX, mY );
case 'cosine'
D = distCosine( mX, mY );
case 'emd'
D = distEmd( mX, mY );
case 'chisq'
D = distChiSq( mX, mY );
error(['pdist2 - unknown metric: ' metric]);

Best Answer

You cannot copy and paste that into the command line. You would need to store it in a file named pdist2.m
You will also need to define distEucSq and other related functions.
That code appears to be part of Piotr's "Classify Toolbox". You should install that or you can probably get it from the Add-Ins Manager;