MATLAB: Fsolve to get steady state concentrations versus reactor height


Hello guys!
For an assignment for chemical reactor engineering we have to solve mole balances to calculate the steady state concentrations in a slurry bubble column reactor. To do this, the Matlab function fsolve can be used. Problem is, with the script and function I wrote, Matlab is not giving me a matrix of concentrations but a single row. My goal was to get for every added meter of column (and hence large reactor size/volume) a row of concentrations (so a matrix).
Do you have any idea what's wrong in my script?
Thanks on forehand! Luc
% Reaction rate constants in [m,L^3/g,Ni . s]
k1 = 1.0*10.^8;
k2 = 1.0*10.^8;
k3 = 1.0*10.^-1;
% Activation energies in [J/mol]
Ea1 = 120000;
Ea2 = 120000;
Ea3 = 150000;
% Adsorption constants in [m,L^3/mol]
KA = 0.32;
KH2 = 25;
KB = 0.07;
KC = 0.01;
% Particle loading
Ld = 0.10;
% Density of catalyst particle in [g/m,cat^3]
rho_cat = 3000000;
% Catalyst efficiency
n = 1;
% Hold-ups
Es = 0.1; % Given
Eg = 0.11; % Calculated with Krisha 1991 correlation
% Mass-transfer in [1/s]
kGLaGL = 0.1933; % Calculated with Akita & Yoshida correlation
kLSaLS = 0.01;
% Saturation concentration of H2 in [mol/m,L^3 . bar]
m = 3;
% Pressure in [Bar]
P = 10;
% Gas constant in [J/mol . K]
R = 8.314;
% Temperature of reaction in [K]
T = 313;
% Volume flow in [m,L^3 / s]
Fv = 0.05;
% Diameter column/reactor in [m]
Ar = 1;
% Height column/reactor in [m]
Hr = linspace(1,25,25);
% Ininital concentration of component A in [mol/m,L^3]
CA0 = 1500;
% Initial concentrations in [mol/m,L^3]
C0 = [1500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
% options for accuracy
options = optimoptions('fsolve','TolFun', 1E-6);
% Computing the equations
C = fsolve(@(C)AH2BC(C,k1,k2,k3,Ea1,Ea2,Ea3,KA,KH2,KB,KC,Ld,rho_cat,n,Es,Eg,kGLaGL,kLSaLS,m,P,R,T,Fv,Ar,Hr,CA0),C0,options)
function [F] = AH2BC(C,k1,k2,k3,Ea1,Ea2,Ea3,KA,KH2,KB,KC,Ld,rho_cat,n,Es,Eg,kGLaGL,kLSaLS,m,P,R,T,Fv,Ar,Hr,CA0)
for x=1:25
% Rate equations
r1 = k1*exp(-Ea1/(R*T))*C(3)*KA*C(1)/(1+KA*C(1)+KH2*C(3)+KB*C(5)+KC*C(7));
r2 = k2*exp(-Ea2/(R*T))*C(3)*KB*C(5)/(1+KA*C(1)+KH2*C(3)+KB*C(5)+KC*C(7));
r3 = k3*exp(-Ea3/(R*T))*KA*(C(1).^2)/(1+KA*C(1)+KH2*C(3)+KB*C(5)+KC*C(7));
% Component A liquid phase
% d(CA*Vl)/dt = d(CA*El*Vr)/dt = d(CA*(1-Eg)*Vr)/dt
% Assuming Vr = Vg + Vl (neglecting volume catalyst/solid)
% Acc = in - out - MT(LS)
F(1) = Fv*CA0 - Fv*C(1) - kLSaLS*Es*Ar*Hr(x)*(C(1)-C(2));
% Component A solid phase
% Acc = MT(LS) - reaction

F(2) = kLSaLS*Es*Ar*Hr(x)*(C(1)-C(2)) - (r1+r3)*Ld*rho_cat*Es*Ar*Hr(x)*n;
% Component H2 gas phase
% Assuming no MT(GS) and constant volume flow due to constant pressure
% So balanca can be neglected (weak assumption) CH2,g = CH2,sat = P.m
% d(CH2*Eg*Vr)/dt = dFH2/dz - kGLaGL*Eg*Ar*(P*m - CH2(l)) (ODE)
% Component H2 liquid phase
% Acc = -out + MT(GL) - MT(LS)
F(3) = - Fv*C(3) + kGLaGL*Eg*Ar*Hr(x)*((P*m)-C(3)) - kLSaLS*Es*Ar*Hr(x)*(C(3)-C(4));
% Component H2 solid phase
% Acc = MT(LS) - reaction
F(4) = kLSaLS*Es*Ar*Hr(x)*(C(3)-C(4)) - (r1+r2)*Ld*rho_cat*Es*Ar*Hr(x)*n;
% Component B liquid phase
% Acc = -out - MT(LS)

F(5) = -Fv*C(5) - kLSaLS*Es*Ar*Hr(x)*(C(5)-C(6));
% Component B solid phase
% Acc = MT(LS) - reaction
F(6) = kLSaLS*Es*Ar*Hr(x)*(C(5)-C(6)) - (-r1+r2)*Ld*rho_cat*Es*Ar*Hr(x)*n;
% Component C liquid phase
% Acc = -out - MT(LS)
F(7) = -Fv*C(7) - kLSaLS*Es*Ar*Hr(x)*(C(7)-C(8));
% Component C solid phase
% Acc = MT(LS) - reaction
F(8) = kLSaLS*Es*Ar*Hr(x)*(C(7)-C(8)) - (-r2)*Ld*rho_cat*Es*Ar*Hr(x)*n;

Best Answer

The fsolve function is a root-finding routine. It will return the values of ā€˜Cā€™ that solve your equations for zero. You then have to use those values in your code to create the matrix you want.