MATLAB: Fsolve in simulink model

fsolvematlab codersimulink

hallo, i'm a beginner to matlab and i would appreciate your help.
matlab is showing an error at
The function 'fsolve' is not supported for standalone code generation. See the documentation for coder.extrinsic to learn how you can use this function in simulation.
does this suggest that fsolve can't be used in simulink? are there other options, that would do a similar job and that can be used in simulink? i tried different modifications, but it didn't seem to help.
can anyone help me? best regards

Best Answer

Perhaps the (Embedded) MATLAB Function block is not right for you, because FSOLVE is not supported for code-generation. If you're familiar with writing S-functions, writing a Level-2 MATLAB-file S-function might be better.
If you have to use this block, I would create a separate function on the MATLAB path that calls into FSOLVE and performs other operations unsupported for code-generation and call it from the (Embedded) MATLAB Function block using the code.extrinsic directive.
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