MATLAB: Fsolve function with values read from the workspace

fsolvefsolve with values from workspacesystem of non linear equations

we all know that we use an m-file with the system of non-linear equations that we want to solve with Fsolve. I want the m-file that I have to use with Fsolve in order to solve the following system of non linear equations.
where x and y are the unknowns that must be given by the solution and A,B,p1 and p2 are values that must be read from the workspace.

Best Answer

xy0 = [1,1]; %initial guess
eqn = @(xy) [A .* xy(1).^p1 + 2 .* xy(2).^2 - 5 .* xy(1) + 7 * y(2) - 40, 3 .* xy(1).^2 - xy(2).^2 + 4 .* xy(1) + B .* xy(2).^p2 - 28];
xy = fsolve(eqn, xy0);