MATLAB: From TXT file to a matrix in matlab

converttext filetext to matlab

Hi guys,
I have a text file with manny lines like this:
At (18.0,6.1) BX = -0.0242048317383725
At (18.0,6.1) BY = -0.186458932104758
At (18.0,6.3) BX = -0.0274870529222169
At (18.0,6.3) BY = -0.226398264696909
At (18.0,6.5) BX = -0.0307692741060612
At (18.0,6.5) BY = -0.266337597289061
I want to make two matrices (one with Bx and other with By), each one with three columns X Y Bx and X Y By. Can someone help me?

Best Answer

Thanks, I used Import Data menu but this is better...