MATLAB: From three vectors obtain the complete Vector that has the largest element, than the other two.

MATLABmatricesmatrixmatrix arraymatrix manipulation

Hello Goodnight.
I have 3 vectors that will constantly be changing the value of their elements. But the vector with the element greater than the elements of the other two vectors will be chosen. For example, of these three vectors the vector C would be chosen, since it has as element 18 and is the largest of the elements of the three vectors. The complete vector C will be chosen
A = [12 3 4 5 6]; B = [3 15 7 6 4]; C = [9 1 18 2 7];
In another combination it could be vector A or B depends on the maximum value of its elements.
How do I select the complete vector that contains at least one greater element than the other two?
Greetings and thanks.

Best Answer

A=[12 3 4 5 6];
B=[ 3 15 7 6 4];
C=[ 9 1 18 2 7];
R = [A(:);B(:);C(:)];
n = numel(A);
ii = ceil((1:3*n)/n);
[~,i1] = max(R);
out = R(ii == ii(i1));
or just
R = [A(:),B(:),C(:)];
[~,ii] = max(max(R));
out = R(:,ii);