MATLAB: From points to closed contour

contourimage processing

I have 6 points as shown in the picture above.
Can I make a closed contour from the 6 points as shown below?
I've tried to use creating ellipse and imfill() but they didn't work.
Thank you.

Best Answer

Try this
im = im2double(imread('image.jpeg'));
im_gray = rgb2gray(im);
im_gray = imbinarize(im_gray)*1;
[r,c] = find(im_gray==1);
points = [c r];
p = convhull(points);
points = points(p, :).';
poly_points = points(:).';
im_gray = insertShape(im_gray, 'FilledPolygon', poly_points, ...
'Color', [1 1 1], ...
'Opacity', 1, ...
'SmoothEdges', false);